Saturday, June 23, 2012

Canada's Future Women's Soccer 2024 Olympian - Toronto Part 2

As you know from our previous blog, "What's the Weather Like in Toronto Part 1?"

we have been visiting my brother, Spencer, wife Jenny, daughter's Taylor (2) and Mia (7 months) in  Toronto.

Proud Daddy Spencer: See that group over there. "Apparently," that's the higher level.  Can you believe they rank 2 year olds? But, that's OK. Taylor's goal is to move up. Right Taylor? Show Uncle John and Auntie Shelley how you play soccer. Lots of energy now.
Taylor: Daddy, I need a snack.
Spencer: OK. But not until after you practice...
Spencer:... Or right now's good too. OK. Off you go. Go get 'em!
Shelley, John, Spencer: Yayyy! Taylor!
Spencer: She just scored. She's talented eh?
Shelley and John: You bet she is! Go Taylor!!!
Taylor: Daddy! I need a drink. Daddy! Daddy!
Spencer: Here you go. OK Taylor, time to stretch. Look how she follows directions. She's a really good listener, eh?
Shelley and John: You bet she is! Go Taylor!!!
Spencer: I don't even have to sit with her like other parents do. She's really independent, eh?
Shelley and John: You bet she is! Go Taylor!!!
John: Ah, isn't she playing with the grass?
Spencer: Shoot. Sure hope there aren't any scouts out here today. She's not as focused right now. Ha! Ha! Doesn't matter, stretching is over rated. OK here we go. Watch her in this drill. Thatta girl Taylor!!!!  Look how fast she is. She just passed everyone. Ha! Ha! She's fast, eh?
Shelley and John: You bet she is! Go Taylor!!!
Spencer: Oh no, her sun hat's slowing her down. I've got this. Taylor. Taylor! Daddy get your hat!
Taylor: I need a "daddy" drink.
Spencer: OK. But after your practice. OK Taylor? Or right now's good too.  Hey, where are you going? Come back. The drill's started. Taylor? Taylor! There you go. Stomp the blue berries. (Purple cones) She's a great blue berry stomper, eh?

Shelley and John: You bet she is! Go Taylor!!!
Taylor: Daddy! Daddy! Did you see how fast I was?
Spencer: I sure did. You were...
Taylor:  I need to pee.
Spencer: Hang on. Hang on...
Taylor: (Runs back) Auntie Shelley! Auntie Shelley! This flower is for my mommy.
Shelley: What a lovely flower. Should we put it in the snack bag?
Taylor: Ah huh.
Spencer: Taylor. No. You just peed on that flower. Don't put it in the snack bag. It's dirty. Drop it on the grass Taylor... or...  OK leave it in the bag.
Taylor: Mommy. Mommy! MOMMY!!!!!!!! Hi mommy! Hi mommy! Hi mommy! Hi! mommy!
Jenny: Hey Taylor. Are you doing a good job?
Taylor: Ah huh. I need "daddy" juice. Hi Mia Mia! Hi Mia Mia! I need "daddy juice."
Mia: Mwo mwo bahh bahhh....
Spencer: That's daddy's Gatorade. Wait until after practice. OK Taylor? ... Or right now's good too. 
Taylor: My mommy. I want to kiss Mia. (Kiss kiss)
Mia: Mwo mwo bahh bahhh....
Spencer: OK Taylor. Your turn.
Taylor: Mommy watch me.
Taylor: (Little boy takes Taylor's ball. Taylor stands there.)
Coach: That's OK Taylor. You can kick his ball.
Spencer, Jenny, Shelley and John: That's OK Taylor. You can kick his ball!!!
Mia: Mwo mwo bahh bahhh....

Spencer: (Picks up Taylor. Swings Taylor's legs at the ball. Taylor scores.)
Everyone: Yayyy!! Taylor.
Mia: Mwo mwo bahh bahhh....
Taylor and Spencer: How much lonnnnger? I'm ti-red. I need "daddy juice."
Jenny: It's time. But first you need to help the coaches put away the equipment, sit down in the "thank you" circle, thank your coaches, get your sticker and then we'll leave... Go. Now. Both of you. 

Shelley and John

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