Friday, January 27, 2012

Tombstone, Arizona, The Town Too Tough to Die

Last January, we visited the small town of Tombstone, Arizona.  Apparently in 1877, Ed Schieffen, a silver prospector, was told, "The only stone you will find out there (n the desert), is your own Tombstone." Schieffen found silver.
The “Town Too Tough to Die” has survived three fires, numerous Apache raids, droughts and its silver mines closing. Now a small town tourist attraction, its main draw is  "The Shoot out at the OK Corral.” 
As we wandered through the streets, we bumped into a few local characters.
Cowboy: Howdy strangers. Did you know that there are eight different versions of what happened at the OK Corral?" 

John (My husband): I thought no one witnessed the eight men shooting it out.

Cowboy: Eight men. Eight different versions. Get it?  Lucky for you, you can see the “official” version for only 10 bucks. Each.

John: We might just do that. 

Cowboy: Hollywood got it all wrong. The Earps were a bunch of no good gamblers, pimps, thieves and killers. That 10 bucks will also get you a 30 minute presentation of Tombstone’s history, and a copy of the newspaper’s report from that day. 

Shelley (Me): That sounds like a great deal. But, I think that we might walk around a little first. (Turning to go) 

Cowboy: How about a stage coach tour? 22 bucks?
John: Maybe. I think we'll check out the town first.

Cowboy: By the way, that tour includes the old town, the graveyard and Hoptown. On Chinese New Years, they would serve fourty different courses including: rat pot pie, roasted puppy dog with caterpillar sauce, and kittens fried in batter. 
Shelley: Wow. But you know, we’re just going to have a walk around. 

Cowboy: The courthouse? 6 bucks? 
The Smiths: Thanks. 

Cowboy: Haunted tour? 25?

John: (Turns the corner) Do you think that was a real gun in his holster?

Shelley: John, you always have to find something to stress about. They're just actors walking around.
Female Shop Owner: (Dressed in scuffed cowboy boots, ripped jeans, sleeveless white Tee, Harley Davidson Vest and Cowboy hat. Puffs on her cigarette, which happens to be dangling from a corner of her mouth. Sorry No photo taken - too scaredHey there. 

The Smiths: Hi. Interesting town.

Female Shop Owner: (Puff) Well, we're all a bunch of outlaws of various levels here. Where you folks from? (Puff) 

The Smiths: Canada, Vancouver Island.

Female Shop Owner: (Puff) I’ve been there.

The Smiths: You have? That’s great. 

Female Shop Owner: I like most Canadians,(Puff) especially those from BC. (Puff) 

The Smiths: Whew. That's good! Ha! Ha!

Female Shop Owner: Not all of you, though. (Puff) 

The Smiths: (What?Oh no? Why is that? 

Female Shop Owner: Well, (Puff) not too long ago, I had to reach under my till, take out my loaded gun, point it at a group of  French Canadians and tell them to get the Hell out of my shop.(Puff) 

The Smiths: (Oh my God. Is she serious?) Ha! Ha! Are you serious?

Female Shop Owner: Dead. (Puff) Serious. (Puff) 

The Smiths: (She is serious!) Were they trying to attack or rob you?

Female Shop Owner: Worse.(Puff) Much worse. (Puff) They were rude. Made fun of my merchandise.

The Smiths: (Oh my God! Oh... my..... good.... God!)

Female Shop Owner: (Puff) Would you like to come in and have a look around? (Puff) 

The Smiths: (NOOOO!!!!!!!) Unfortunately, we’re going to have to take a pass. We're on our way to the “The Shoot Out at the OK Corral". And, if we don't get going, we're going to be late.

Female Shop Owner: (Puff) Lucky for you two I'm open all day. I'll be waiting. (Puff...Puff...Puff) 

Shelley and John
( image of the Earps)

1 comment:

Miss Freda said...

Ride a cowboy, save a horse!! Looks like you are having a wonderful time on your camper...sewage and all!! LOL....come south and you can hook up out at our farm for a few days!! Would LOVE to see you both. Freda